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Particularly adept when it comes to advising on technical and complex employment law problems.

Social Media & Technology in the Workplace

On Tuesday 26th June in Teesside and Thursday 28th June in Newcastle, I delivered seminars on the topic of “Social Media and Technology in the Workplace.”

Given the role which social media now plays in marketing, sales and the workplace generally, this is likely to be a developing and interesting area of law. The topic is wide ranging, areas covered include:

  • Express and implied terms as to who owns electronic information
  • Restraint of trade & employees ability to take their social media contacts with them when they leave
  • The use of social media in breaching restrictive covenants
  • Misconduct in the workplace and the use of the internet.

For those North East solicitors that were not able to attend, I would be more than happy to discuss this topic further.

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