Introduction I was intending to write a blog post about the election and employment law, but the announcement this morning by Labour of its plans in relation to such...
Particularly adept when it comes to advising on technical and complex employment law problems.
Introduction I was intending to write a blog post about the election and employment law, but the announcement this morning by Labour of its plans in relation to such...
The first instance Judgment in Lock v British Gas is now available. The Employment Tribunal held that a worker with normal working hours whose remuneration included commission shall be...
The High Court has handed down its Judgment in The Queen (on the application of UNISON) v Lord Chancellor (no 2) EWHC 4198 (Admin). The High Court dismissed...
You may be forgiven for thinking that the government had commenced a review into Employment Tribunal Fees. I can do no better than let the excellent Richard Dunstan (@wonkypolicywonk)...
This post is less about the law and more about a point that arises in equality and diversity training. In Quality Solicitors CMHT v Tunstall (2014) UKEAT/0105/14/RN HHJ Richardson...
You often hear the statement “you should have a social media policy”. That is fine in so far as it goes, but it is of little practical use. Rather,...
Simler J, sitting in the Employment Appeal Tribunal has held that an employee who gave seven months notice, when only required to give three affirmed the contract and was therefore unable...
In City Facilities Management (UK) Ltd v Ling (2014) UKEAT the Employment Appeal Tribunal (HHJ Eady QC) has reviewed the approach to be taken in relation to expert evidence...
The President of Employment Tribunals has issued Presidential Guidance in relation to the general case management of Employment Tribunal claims. You can see a copy of the guidance here:...
I commend this blog post by Richard Dunstan ( @wonkypolicywonk ) on Tribunal fees: In summary: It is the fall in individual claims that we should pay attention...
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